Dream Catcher Resort, renowned as the best resort in Munnar, offers an array of activities that make every stay a memorable adventure. Nestled amid lush tea, cardamom, and orange plantations, this enchanting resort provides a perfect blend of relaxation and...
Planning a group getaway to Munnar? Dream Catcher Resort, renowned as one of the best resorts in Munnar, offers an ideal setting for an unforgettable group stay. Nestled amid lush tea, cardamom, and orange plantations, this enchanting resort combines luxury, comfort,...
Spread across 25 acres of Coffee, tea and cardamom plantations, the Dreamcatcher Plantation Resort provides a refreshing and serene experience. Located 22 km from Munnar, this 3-star resort has four treehouses, honeymoon cottages and spacious rooms with all modern...
Since time immemorial the quest for high-quality spices had triggered travel and trade across the world. It is why sea routes were adventurously ventured into and discovered. It is believed that the history of spices from Kerala dates back into history for over...
There are many resorts in Munnar, but with ultimate conviction, there is none like the Dream Catcher. Like the resort’s tag-line says, it is ‘more than a resort, it’s a destination’. And that is truly what you will be experiencing. While most hotels and resorts in...